Aliens In America, Carpoolers

Friday, October 19th, 2007

11:00 Aliens In America
11:30 Carpoolers

Aliens In America. Episode 2. Okay, I get it that Raja is a bit socially inept but I think the writers take things too far in the "everyone thinks we'e gay" episode. Some of the gags were funny, but some were way too forced to work. Still, the winning cast (Adhir Kalyan & Dan Byrd) smooth over a lot of the rough patches.

Carpoolers. Episode 2. It's basicaly "Rules Of Engagement" with an extra (married) guy. And he's got hundreds of kids. In this outing, the single guy (Jerry O'Connell) pretends he's married to get a woman, and the hassled married guy (Jerry Minor) goes to extreme lengths to get away from his large family. There's nothing here that you haven't seen a hundred times before.