Seinfeld, NCIS, House

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

07:00 Seinfeld
07:30 NCIS
08:30 House

Seinfeld. Season 8, Episode 12. One of the the funniest moments ever in Seinfeld occurs at the very end of this episode. Kramer wakes up in a hospital bed (thinks he is coming out of a coma) and sees Elaine standing over him with a plug in her hand. He assumes she has just "pulled the plug" on him. And, as the episode fades to black, he lets out a squeal of terror. I remember vividly the first time I saw it. And it has crossed my mind many times in the years hence and it always makes me chuckle. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
NCIS. Season 4, Episode 6. One of the coolest things about NCIS is the twist they usually manage to pull in their stories. But, for once, I was able to see the twist from the start. Maybe they were having an off-week, or maybe I'm just getting that good. A little girl is kidnapped, her father lies in a hospital bed and the NCIS team work with the girl's mother and aunt as they deal with the kidnappers. There is a twist with regard to the aunt and - as I said - I was able to spot it. It's didn't ruin my enjoyment of the episode in the least, but normally I don't see the twists coming. Other than that it was a cool episode. For the second time in a row, Ducky got a lot of screentime, which is always fine by me.

House. Episode 3 (the second episode filmed). Great to see how much of the formula was in place right from the get-go and fascinating to see how many moments in this episode foreshadow future storylines. In this episode we see that Chase clearly has a thing for Cameron, Wilson happily signs his name to perscriptions for House and House appears to have a thing for Cuddy (according to Wilson, at least). The case-of-the-week involves a boy who has been given wrong medication. At least that's House's theory but - as usual - nobody believes him. He cures the boy but (in the episode's very cool final minutes) still goes to extreme lengths to prove (to himself) that he was right and that the boy received the wrong tablets.

Highlight? NCIS