Rules Of Engagement, Miss/Guided, Samantha Who?, Out Of Practice

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

06:30 Rules Of Engagement
07:00 Miss/Guided
07:30 Samantha Who?
08:00 Out Of Practice

Rules Of Engagement. Season 2, Episode 10. Very funny. Jeff arranges a week-end away for the two couples (because he gets his own trip paid for) and Russell has to wear Audrey's clothes to a meeting (Trust me, it makes sense in context. Sit-com sense.) Audrey, meanwhile, is overly conscious of being naked in front of Jennifer. All the plots generate laughs, the cast are on top form and you could not ask for a better episode of an old-fashioned sit-com.

Miss/Guided. Episode 3. Chris Parnell gets a lot of screen time in this one, so it's not just Judy Greer carrying the show this week. Parnell is funny, as his character tries to track down a mysterious blogger who has suggested that he may be gay. The episode contains one moment of sublime slapstick when the heroine is repeatedly whacked by a car door while trying to check her appearence in the car window, and - overall - it's a good, amusing episode. Also, like the central character, the show has it's heart in the right place. The closing conversation between Becky and one of her students shows that this sweet (somewhat unfortunate) lady teacher really does make a positive impression on the kids she looks after. Yay, Becky!

Samantha Who? Episode 11. Much better than last week. It's sadly lacking in laugh-out-loud moments, but a strong storyline has Timothy Olyphant showing up as a new suitor in Samantha's life.

Out Of Practice. Episode 17. Krista Allen (of What About Brian? and Baywatch) guests as a woman that both of the brothers are interested in. And a vague telephone message leads to confusion at a restaurant (in typical Out Of Practice fashion). It's very funny. And, unlike the usual episode, where random circumstances conspire against the brothers, this is a case where their sister sets it all up (to get revenge) and sits back to watch it all happen.

Highlight? Rules Of Engagement.