06:30 Perfect Strangers
07:00 My Boys
07:30 30 Rock
08:00 Battlestar Galactica
09:00 Battlestar Galactica
10:00 Greg The Bunny
10:30 Fringe
Perfect Strangers. Episode 1. "Knock Knock, Who's There?" This is as good as any episode of Perfect Strangers. Which is amazing when you consider how polished the comedy is on this show. And how vital the chemisty is. Bronson Pinchot and Mark Linn-Baker are perfectly at home in their roles from the get-go.
My Boys. Season 2, Episode 1. "The Transitioning" makes a great start to Season Two. The cliffhanger is resolved and we discover that PJ choose Bobby. I was delighted about this, but disappointed that (once they got to Italy) nothing much happened. We have been waiting a long time for this, and this is all we get? Jordana Spiro was hilarious in all these scenes (and seems to have gotten even more cute and adorable over the hiatus) but it was - I felt - a lame way to resolve the storyline. Never mind, the rest of the episode is fantastic. Jim Gaffigan steals every scene as the rest of the rest of the gang try to cope without PJ.
30 Rock. Season 2, Episode 14. "Sandwich Day" is an example of the show at it's most surreal and hilarious. Jenna in a crazy drinking contest to win mysterious sandwiches from a secret location in Brooklyn, Jack demoted to an odd place straight from The Twilight Zone and Liz being shown in two vastly different lights: truly beautiful in one scene (the hilarious red dress and wind machine combo) and truly horrific in the next scene (flinging tables aside and threathen to wound her staff with sharp objects). Can it be the same character? Can it even be the same actress? Tina Fey is truly gifted. If I thought she was anything like Liz Lemon in real life, I'd stalk her and ask her to marry me!!
Battlestar Galactica. Season 4, Episode 9. "The Hub" Finally we get to see what happened when the Cylon Ship jumped away. What happened? Well... space battles, visions, hints and epiphanies. The usual stuff for Battlestar Galactica.
Visually, this is an impressive episode. Not just the space stuff either (which was nothing short of majestic) but all of the interior stuff too. And the visions Laura was having during the jumps. Lots of low wide shots and big empty rooms and corridors. Very striking.
As wonderful as that final minute was (and it was wonderful) it has to take second place to the "revelation" that Laura is the final cylon. That was frakkin' funny. Deanna playing with the president, and the show love playing with us. Ballsy. And I love it.
Battlestar Galactica. Season 4, Episode 10. "Revelations " Truly satisfying conclusion to many of this seasons ongoing plot threads. Finally, after weeks of (wonderful) torture the hidden Cylons are revealed to their friends in a sequence of wonderfully orchestrated scenes. Seeing Saul Tigh tell Bill Adama was just amazing. And watching Bill's meltdown was painful. The whole episode (every revelation, every confrontation) was equal parts amazing and equal parts painful. Baltar was funny again (the "I knew it!" bit) and Lee finally grew a pair! Who would have thought?!
In this episode, you can see the show preparing to finish all it's ongoing storylines, wisely choosing (in the final shocking seconds) to avoid introducing any major new ones. It has also left enough mysteries dangling to bring fans back in 2009.
Greg The Bunny. Episode 5. "Piddler on the Roof" is a middle-of-the-road episode. Not hilarious, but not awful either. Warren (the show's best character) takes a leak inside Alison's car! The sub-plot (about Alison's feelings being hurt) is a real yawner, but there are few good laughs to found elsewhere.
Fringe. "Pilot" Imagine if Sydney Bristow was lead investigator on The X-Files, forced to work with Lost's Sawyer to get help from his genius father (Part-Gil Grissom and part-Frankenstein) and you have some idea of what to expect here. The first half-hour was slow enough. It felt like an average X-Files episode and I was bored by the relationships. The heroine has a loving boyfriend (but she can't say "I Love You" back to him) and a boss who hates her (for putting his best friend in jail). Nothing here that hasn't been seen before. However, once Joshua Jackson shows up it really starts to take off. The final hour is the best: some exciting action scenes and the first hint of the show's backstory. Can't wait to see more!
Highlight? Battlestar Galactica
Mon, Jun 16th, 2008 - Perfect Strangers, My Boys, 30 Rock, BSG, Greg The Bunny, Fringe
Review of: 30 Rock, Battlestar Galactica II, Fringe, Greg The Bunny, My Boys, Perfect Strangers

13 March 2025 • 9313 days since leaving earth orbit.