11:00 Greg The Bunny
11:30 Joey
Greg The Bunny. Episode 4. "SK-2.0" What a schizophrenic show! This episode kinda sucked. It was all about revamping the television show that the regulars work on. The revamp was extreme and none of them liked it. But, I'm not sure what exactly was supposed to be funny. Maybe we were supposed to be amused because the revamped version of their show looked so different, but - in fact - it actually looked like kids show's I've seen. Maybe that was the point. I don't know. Thing is, I wouldn't be wondering about this kind of stuff if there were actual gags to make me laugh.
I also hated the b-plot. Where Jimmy and his dad "learned a lesson" and bonded a bit at the end. What the frak?! Did FOX make the producers do episodes like this, or were the writers deliberately using lame plots to make us laugh. I don't know. I know I didn't laugh.
Joey. Season 2, Episode 18. "Joey and the Beard" There was still too much shouting from Gina's dumb boyfriend but this wasn't a bad episode. Joey 'dated' an actress who did not want the press to know she was gay. At first he didn't understand (which was funny) and when he did understand, they became good friends (which was sweet). This is the perfect sort of story to develop the character of Joey. We like him, and we care about him. Yet, time and time again they kept returning to Gina's moronic shouting boyfriend who we don't like and don't care about. Sheesh!
Highlight? Joey
Thurs, Jun 12th, 2008 - Greg The Bunny, Joey
Review of: Greg The Bunny, Joey

13 March 2025 • 9313 days since leaving earth orbit.