Tue, Jul 15, 08 - 2Guys & A Girl, Welcome Back Kotter, Sentinel, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

09:00    Two Guys And A Girl
09:30    Welcome Back Kotter
10:00    The Sentinel
02:45    Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Two Guys And A Girl.  Season 2, Episode 8.  "Foul Play"  I love my sit-coms to have heart and emotion and honest drama and none come better than this fantastic episode of Two Guys And A Girl.  Berg tries to create false conflict in his relationship with Ashley because he likes it best when they fight.  It's all very funny.  Until a conversation with his dad (the awesome Steve Landesberg) causes him to reflect and (in a very serious, very sad final scene) he and Ashley break up.  It's all very honest and easy to relate to.  He's just not happy.  It's a reflection of how immature the character is, that he wants a relationship of constant drama, but there's a sign here of his growing up.  Because, whatever else you say about the lovable nitwit, you have to admit that he had the guts to be honest with Ashley.

Welcome Back Kotter.  Episode 1.  "Welcome Back)"  Welcome Back Kotter is a curious show.  A show that finds itself very funny, when I often cannot see the joke.  The studio audience are always in fits of laughter and - sometimes - the cast seem to be on the verge of doing the same.  It's always puzzled me.  It's a show I've always liked, but I've never been able to find it as funny as it finds itself.  This opening episode is a perfect example.  Kotter meets his class for the first time.  Each one gets up and does his shtick and then the episode is over.  How funny you find the episode depends on how funny you find the shtick.  I don't know where I stand.  I used to think the (oft-repeated) phrase "Up you nose with a rubber hose" was funny.  Maybe repeated exposure will get me back to that place again?

The Sentinel.  Season 3, Episode 10.  "Dead Certain"  Another superb episode.  Cassie joins the dynamic duo for the first time as they head to a small town to find out about a dead John Doe who has been stolen from their morgue.  Tinkering with a successful formula (and first-rate cast-chemistry) should be a mistake, but Lisa Akey is wonderfully cute and likable in the role.  Cassie is over-the-top enthusiastic and Jim (of course) is a jerk to her at the start.  None of this should work, but the cast make it fly.  The scene where she reveals why she can't become a cop packs more of an emotional punch that you would expect for a character you've only known for twenty minutes.

The story is great, too.  A solid mystery, a criminal conspiracy that makes sense and bad guys who pose a serious threat.  The climax, with Jim jumping from a helicopter to a plane and jamming his gun into the tail is classic Sentinel.  This is also one of the episodes where Jim uses his powers a lot and they help out on the case.  It's also one of the few times that bystanders go "Wow" when he uses his powers.  Since the show never does this, it is really cool when they decide to go this route.  And it helps that the scene in question is wonderfully played.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.  "Act I"  I laughed, I cried, I sang along!  Well, I didn't actually sing along (yet) cos I don't know the words (yet).  And I didn't actually cry even though the while affair is supremely heartfelt.  But I sure-as-heck laughed.  It's wonderful silliness.

Highlight?  The Sentinel