Tue, Sep 23, 08 - Prison Break, Worst Week

08:00 Prison Break
09:00 Worst Week

Prison Break. Season 4, Episode 5. "Safe and Sound" Two narratives in this episode: the very-clever Michael leads the Team on an assault on a safe containing one of the things they have to collect this season, while the very-clever Alex helps Sara and sets off to track down his son's killer. Both story's were very tense and very exciting but I was more emotionally invested in Alex's storyline. He's my favourite character and even if I had never seen the show before my heart would bleed after watching that amazing/wonderful/emotional scene between him and his wife. I'm so glad the writers did not go down the cliche route of having her turn against Alex because, you know, "this is all your fault" or some such crap. No, she has a very human reaction. The sight of them crying together, arms entwined in that cramped/public booth, is a sight that will linger with me for a while.

T-Bag and the (unbelievably hot) receptionist have a couple of fun scenes and Gretchen gets free in grisly fashion. The scene with the receptionist is cool because it reminds us that T-Bag can be dangerous and she would be wise to be care, and the Gretchen scene is cool because she's making like Jack Bauer.

So... a perfect episode of Prison Break: lots of thrills and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Worst Week

Worst Week. Episode 1. "Pilot" I laughed a lot at this one. Right from the start I was chuckling, but by the end I was in peals of laughter. Sam is a likable hero in the middle of some crazy bad luck. The writers stretch things a lot to make some of the comedy work (like when the dad lay down in the undertakers) but the results are very funny. Based on this first outing, I'm prepared to stick around for the rest of the 'week'.

Highlight? Prison Break (Alex)
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