07:00 Prison Break
08:00 Californication
09:00 90210
01:00 The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Prison Break. Season 4, Episode 3. "Shut Down" Just when I thought I knew how the episodes were going to play out the show surprises me. It was a great episode. I feel a tiny bit cheated because the new status quo was fully intact when the closing credits rolled but it was still an intense and wonderful episode.
I worry for Bellick and Sucre. Is there a place for them in the new show as more than legmen? They both need plots of their own to keep them interesting. It's fun to watch Bellick moan and complain and try to escape but, in the long run, he will need more to do. Hopefully the writers address this. He has every reason to be on the team, but on the show...
This was a great episode for Alex. He was awesome from start to finish. I love when the show reminds us that this guy is as smart as Michael. I was surprised that his wife is still alive. Surprised and delighted. It means there is a (slim) chance for him to have a happy ending.
Best bit? The final scene where Linc put aside their past and swore to help Alex find his son's killer. That was beyond superb. Primal stuff. Quintessentially masculine. And great TV.
Californication. Season 2, Episode 1. "Slip Of The Tongue" Great opening episode. Now that Hank has everything he has ever wanted, all we can do is sit back and wait for him to frak it up. I love the way they addressed this in the episode, and his conversations with Mia and Becca were wonderful. Very typical of this show. There were many laugh-out-loud moments and a few to make you wince in pain/embarrassment.
90210. Episode 2. "The Jet Set" Oh dear. The second hour was a lot less interesting than the first. Annie went on a date to San Francisco and I was bored. Dixon bonded with his teammates and I was bored. I wanted to see more of Kelly and Brenda and know a bit more about their lives, but the episode sold me short. I'm certainly rooting for Mr. Matthews in his attempts to woo Kelly. Among the young kids, I'm still interested in Naomi and Ethan. Jessica Stroup was worse in this episode than the first (hers is the only character that I hate) and what exactly is going on with Adrianna? Going to the audition and flaking out? Then lying about it? Hmm.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Episode 9. "What He Beheld" Kick-ass cool. The best episode of the season is still fantastic on second viewing. The choice made to show the big battle from underneath the surface of the swimming pool was pure genius. And the scene where Derek killed the bad guy, while threatening the little girl, was amazing. Iconic stuff. Stuff you remember and talk about for years.
Highlight? Prison Break (Linc and Alex, together at last)
Yet Another TV Review Podcast
Yet Another TV Review Book
Tue, Sep 9, 08 - Prison Break, Californication, 90210, Sarah Connor
Review of: 90210, Californication, Prison Break, The Sarah Connor Chronicles

19 March 2025 • 9319 days since leaving earth orbit.