Wed, Sep 17, 08 - Greek, Sarah Connor Chronicles

11:00 Greek
05:00 The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Greek. Episode 17. "47 Hours & 11 Minutes" Operating in the same arena as 90210, but a whole level above it, is this wonderful show. The scripts on Greek are layered and have depth and meaning. And, to be honest, it's a much cooler show. For a start it's got Clark Duke in the cast.

This is the episode where the parents come to visit. And it's a great one for highlighting the Rusty/Casey dynamic. I love the brother/sister stuff on this show. It's - pretty much - my favourite aspect of the show. Supernatural has the whole brother thing going on, Sarah Connor has it's mother/son vibe and the heart of Veronica Mars was the father/daughter bond. Greek has the cool girl and nerdy boy who are brother and sister and - from the very start - it was clear that the show wanted to tell their story.

Their relationship has changed a lot since that pilot, and this story pits them against their parents. It was a well-crafted script. Light-hearted but full of truth. There certainly were things in it that struck a cord with me. And the ending, where Rusty stuck up for himself and praised his wonderful sister, had me cheering.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Season 2, Episode 2. "Automatic For The People" Not the best episode, but still head and shoulders above most shows on tv.

It's hard to know where to begin when it comes to the things that I love about this show.

Thomas Dekker is John Connor, the saviour of mankind. I watch this kid and I believe in him. I honestly accept him and I'm fascinated to see him growing into greatness. It's a thrill to watch it happen and I'm loving all the scenes of him pushing away from his mother.

Summer Glau's performance. Is this woman really an android? How does she do what she does? The lack of expression for the fight scenes, and many of the dialogue scenes. Then, when it counts, she brings something amazing to the table. Last week, it was the stuff with her pleading for her life. This week it was her reaction to John's new girlfriend.

I love this new character, by the way. The casting (Leven Rambin) and the fact that she is being used by John. As a means of putting distance between himself and his mother, and as a means of putting distance between himself and Cameron.

I love Ellison, the FBI on their trail who now believes in everything Sarah Connor used to say. I've always loved these 'outsider' characters and the split narrative they give us. Cordelia on first season Buffy and Will on first season Alias. Some of my favourite ever times on both those shows. Waiting for them to learn 'the truth' and join 'the team'. Alias mucked it up, but I'm sure Sarah Connor Chronicles will find a way to add Ellison to the team.

While this was not the best episode, the good parts are so good that I still love the show and am excited about it.

Highlight? Greek (Rusty's speech)
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