Sun, Oct 26, 08 - Pushing Daisies, Valentine, Supernatural

05.30 Pushing Daisies
06.30 Valentine
07.30 Supernatural

Pushing Daisies. Season 2, Episode 4. "Frescorts" Another wonderful episode. All the stories have something to do with friends and friendship and it's quite a rewarding episode. The fight between Chuck and Olive (while locked in the locker) is probably the funniest/best part, but Ned's speech to his new friend at the very end is almost as good. The guest cast are fantastic, but Dana Davis really stood out for me as the fast-taking receptionist at the place that rents friends. A company that rents friends? I love it! Only on Pushing Daisies.

Valentine. Episode 3. "Act Naturally" For the first time the case-of-the-week is just as strong as everything else. Holly Valance proves what a good actress she is by playing a very bad actress who can be very good when she tries. Not easy to pull off. But Valance does it. She's a spoiled celebrity (think Britney Spears or Paris Hilton, but with talent) and she's forced to do community service in an unsuccessful theatre run by Ryan Devlin. The story is funny and their chemistry is such that I wish we could see this couple again and see what happens next.

Meanwhile, in the ongoing story arc, events in the final scene prove that somebody is up to something bad. Is it really Kate, the mortal who joined the team in the pilot? What the heck is going on?

Supernatural. Season 2, Episode 15. "Tall Tales" I love Jim Beaver. His character is just what the show needs (not that stupid bar!). The actor brings to life the sort of no-nonsense character who would never believe in all this supernatural crap. Consequently, his presence makes everything else in the show seem more real. The two women in the bar, and the computer geek, are prime examples of bad television stereotypes. But a character like Bobby Singer, as the hero in a fantasy show? Nah, you don't see that very often.

But I digress...

This is the funny episode of Supernatural. They tried this before (Season 1, Episode 17) and I hated it. It made things silly, and compromised the world of Supernatural.

That is not the case this time. What you get here is a delightful hour of TV. The show uses one of television's stand-by ideas (story is told in flashback from different perspectives) to great comedic effect. We get to see the brother's perceptions of each other and (tellingly) of themselves. And the actors are simply superb. Scene after scene is laugh out loud funny. Best bits? Dean recalls Sam getting all emotional and hugging some random guy, Sam recalls Dean scoffing free food while questioning someone, Dean and Sam have very different versions of Dean's lady friend at the bar, and many more. I also loved the very last shot.

Highlight? Supernatural (I laughed a lot)
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