Dan For Mayor. Episode 10. "Revenge Is Swifty"

Dan For Mayor. Episode 10. "Revenge Is Swifty" Jeff's boss comes to visit.

Another very funny episode. The visit by Jeff's boss, and the problems it causes for Jeff, is a plot unique to this episode but everything else is heavily serialised. Indeed: a first time viewer would be very hard pushed to understand what is going on during the first third of the episode as the show jumps from ongoing plot to ongoing plot.

I have no problem with this, I love it. It's not what I was expecting when the show started and they do it really, really well so I'm more than happy with the state of play.

I'm also happy with the way the show keeps characters like Mike and Brianna a vital part of the story, long after a stage when you would expect that they would be written out.

And... I'm also happy with the fact that I have no idea where all of this is leading. When, exactly, is the election? What happens when we get that far? Will Dan win? What form will Season Two take? All these questions, and I have no idea how the show is going to deal with them. Rare to find a show that has such a big question mark hanging over it (in a good way).

Also rare that such a show, a heavily-serialised one, would be so funny week-after-week. Yet: it is.

Roll on next week!!

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