Hunter. Season 3, Episode 11. "Bad Company"

Hunter. Season 3, Episode 11. "Bad Company" Dean Stockwell

It's got a story/style more in keeping with Season One, but it has two great guest stars and a very exciting climax. Works for me.

First Season Hunter was quite close in spirit to The A-Team: lots of car chases and shooting. And plots that, while enjoyable, were often very linear/simple. Under different creative hands the show evolved, the action was de-emphasised and the story quality improved a lot. This little tale is a fun little step back in time, as Hunter and McCall are taken hostage in the hills by a Neo-Nazi group and have to find a way to escape and warn someone about their plans.

There's nothing else quite like this in the third season, but it has - at least - one doppelganger in the first. It's a fun hour of TV. Some moments (such as the McCall appendix ruse, with Hunter knocking three guys to the ground using a single punch!) are silly, but the overall episode stays the respectable side of silly thanks to two good guest performers.

Dean Stockwell is typically top notch (as the leader of the nutty group) and brings layers to the character that just aren't there in the script. Lar Park-Lincoln (who I had a huge crush on, during her Knots Landing days, and who also was superb in an superb episode of Tour Of Duty) is surprisingly good as the leader's daughter.

The final quarter of the tale is a genuinely exciting chase through the hills, as our heroes (plus ally) are chased by a large group of gun-toting nuts. Kudos to Charlie Picerni for taking something we've seen hundreds of times and managing to make it exciting.

Overall, not the sort of episode I expect to see in third season Hunter, but still a lot of fun.

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