Jesse Stone. "Stone Cold"

Jesse Stone
Jesse Stone. "Stone Cold" Serial Killer(s) in Paradise.

My second time to watch the first Jesse Stone movie. Man, I'd (almost) forgotten how great this was. Tom Selleck nails the part from the get go, and Jane Adams & Reg Rogers are perfectly cast as the odd couple that's running around Paradise killing various people. Including poor Polly Shannon. Her death scenes has really haunted me since I saw the movie for the first time and - now that I appreciate the character a lot more - it's really sad to see her go out like this.

The movie is perfect in every conceivable way. The mood is my favourite thing about it. Melancholy rules in Paradise and it's hard to escape it's grasp. But with scenery as beautiful as this, and stories as affecting as this, would you really want to escape?

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