Silurians, part 2.
- The actual story that occupies most of the episode isn’t anything special, but a hell of a lot happens in the last ten minutes.
- The Silurians make an interesting and complex foe, but this episode is much too talky. Great DW adventures rarely take place across the negotiation table! Particularly problematic when it’s obvious to the audience what will happen.
- This two-parter reminded me of tales from the Peter Davison era. A young, optimistic Doctor and a group of young companions. Plus, it’s got a dark undertone. And the death of a regular.
- The death of a regular bit really shocked me. And it worked.
- That death and the appearance of the crack in time (in the final minutes) gained the episode an extra point or two from me. Up to this the episode was slow and lackluster.
- Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are superb. Likeable and fun and believable.