Forever Knight 19

Jennifer Dale .

  • Unsubtle but effective examination of our culture’s obsession with youth & beauty.

  • Most of the episode takes place on one night with a logical and satisfying progression of events as Nick and Schanke drive around the city in the aftermath of a murder.

  • There’s a high death toll in this one.

  • The fact that the flashbacks tie into the present day story comes as a surprise.

  • There’s a lot of dialogue about women and their desire to remain young and beautiful, and the script doesn’t always succeed in what it sets out to do. But most of it is thought-provoking and last scene is the best, and Nick’s dialogue about winter in that scene is understated and rather superb.

  • Great discussion between Nick and Nat about vampires and other supernatural entities in the world.

  • The internal logic of the characters is impeccable at all times. Loves many of the scenes. Particularly Schanke and the prison guard as our cranky detective tries to piece together exactly what happened.
