Baywatch, Kyle XY, Moonlight, Supernatural

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

05:30 Moonlight
06:30 Supernatural
07:30 Kyle XY
11:30 Baywatch

Moonlight. Episode 3. I'm still not impressed with Sophia Myles, but Jason Dohring and Alex O'Loughlin are superb. This episode isn't quite as good as Episode 2, but it's still much stronger than the pilot. We get to see the inner workings of the Vampire society when a newly-created vampire goes on a killing spree and Mick sets out to stop him. The script parallels what is happening now with what happened to Mick when he was first turned and this information is entertaining to the audience. The show has a good villain, slick action sequences and a wonderful scene with Jason Dohring at the very end. Definitely a show I'm starting to enjoy.

Supernatural. Episode 8. A so-so outing for the boys when they go up against killer bugs in Oklahoma. I didn't enjoy it very much because the ending was a complete let-down and the show takes itself far too seriously. Unlike other genre offerings (like Reaper or Kolchak) there is no sense of fun to be had from watching the boys in action.

Kyle XY. Episode 10. A real what-the-heck-is-going-on episode! Kyle still has amnesia but two people have turned up and claim to be his parents. Everyone else is suspicious (especially Declan) but - despite this - the family has to come to terms with the fact that Kyle is about to leave them. It's an emotional episode, and all the the regular characters get a lot of screentime/storytime. Marguerite MacIntyre is especially good as Kyle's mother-figure. She puts a wide range of emotion into her scenes and everything about the parting at the end seems real (and very, very sad). Best bit? Kyle's secret message to Declan in the closing seconds. Now that was awesome.

Baywatch. Episode 13. A mixed bag. The a-plot is one of the show's best, but the b-plot is one of the worst. Eddie and Shauni are trapped in an armoured truck which has fallen into the ocean and this results in some of the best scenes the show ever delivered. However, this is paired with a boring storyline in which Jill and Trevor compete in a Volleyball competition. Neither character is a favourite and there is no reason to care. The endless slo-mo scenes of volleyball action are set to badly chosen music and serve to bore/irritate while we wait to see what is happening back at the armoured truck.

Highlight? Kyle XY