CSI, Prison Break, Dexter, Lost, Corner Gas

Sat, Feb 16th, 2008

08:30 CSI
09:30 Prison Break
10:30 Dexter
11:30 Lost
12:15 Lost
01:00 Corner Gas

CSI. Season 5, Episode 18. One of the things I love most about CSI is their personal detachment. It makes everything easier to believe, I think. And it's the very thing I dislike most about CSI: Miami. I don't watch the Miami show, but one of my friends does, so I frequently get to see bits of episodes. This week I saw a rerun which started with bikini-clad revellers being attacked by gun-toting robbers. There was lots and lots of gunfire and when it was all over, there were two dead bodies. Horatio Caine showed up and.. seemed to take it personally. And that bugs me. I'm like: "How can he do that job and take it all to heart so much?" That's crazy.

Over on the Vegas show, they act like professionals and just get the job done. Except in this episode, when Greg is affected by a burn-victim who survives her ordeal, and will (possibly) go on to live a very tough life. If she lives. Of all the characters on the show, it makes perfect sense that Greg would be the one to take all of this to heart. Greg is awesome. Eric Szmanda brings so much to the role. And I love his scenes with Gil. The ending, where she opens her eyes in an empty room, is haunting.

Prison Break. Season 3, Episode 12. Any doubts that Prison Break might be passed it's prime are shattered by this superb episode. Tension beyond belief. Michael cleverly lets the three bullies of the group get their just deserts. Nice. Once he and the three good guys of the group get out, we have a prolonged and fantastic chase. While Sucre gets into more and more trouble. Rivetting. Television at it's best.

Dexter. Episode 6. The murders that Dexter committed in the previous episode become the subject of the investigation in this episode. Novel twist. Dexter's world is falling apart. His lies are starting to fall apart around him. Uh-oh.

Lost. Season 4, Episode 2. The one that introduced the four new regulars. It's also got a few supremely cool moments. Like when Jack and Kate are rescued from Miles (who had a gun trained on them). I like it when the Losties (our gang) kick ass and beat out everyone who is out to thwart them.

Lost. Season 4, Episode 3. Aside from the magnificence of the big story, there are many examples that prove that Lost is a truly great television series. This episode introduces us to a character called Elsa. Her first scene is her meeting with Sayid in a crowded hotel/bar(?). Her second scene shows her and Sayid leaving for a date. By the end of this second scene, where she casually fishes to find out if Sayid is staying in town to be with her or not, the audience has come to like her. Has come to be emotionally invested in the character. This is testament to the quality of the writing and the acting. We've only seen this character twice, in the space of twenty minutes, but we are being presented with what appears to be a classic love story and we are invested.

When I see stuff like this, and when I feel feelings like this for new characters, I know that I am in the hands of confident storytellers. And it's a great feeling.

Corner Gas. Season 4, Episode 9. Once again, CG delivers a solid (but not hilarious) episode. The storyline where Brent discovers that Corner Gas is not actually within town limits is inspired and leads to some inspired comedy. The storyline where Davis tries to learn the art of subtle practical jokes is more tedious than funny. And the Hank storyline is pure Hank. He becomes the town's garbageman and - as a consequence - learns a heck of a lot about everyone in town. Great stuff. My favourite scene/laugh: Brent tells a random stranger that the girl that works for him has been explaining the new municipal codes to him as they go along and telling him how much money to pay her. "When you said that, just now. Did it sound stupid to you?" comes to reply. Comedy Gold.

Highlight? Prison Break or Lost. Can't decide.