The Shield, CSI, Prison Break, NCIS, House, Sarah Connor Chronicles

Thurs, Feb 7th, 2008

06:00 The Shield
07:00 CSI
08:00 Prison Break
09:00 NCIS
10:00 House
11:00 The Sarah Connor Chronicles

The Shield. Season 3, Episode 14. Unbearable tension from start to finish. This is the episode where Lem finally cracks under the pressure, takes the stolen money and... burns it. The episode leading up to this stunning climax is filled with tension as the Bad Guys start to come after Vic and the guys for stealing their money, while Dutch and the cops starts to pay close attention to Vic's crew as well. For all the wrong reasons. Lem is unhappy for most of the episode. And, indeed, has been for most recent episodes. So, in a superb performance from Kenny Johnson, he takes matters into his own hands. He has to fight his friends, to save them. We, at home, know he is doing the right thing, but the guys don't see it that way. The climax with all four members of the Strike Team wrestling around on the floor is simply superb.

CSI. Season 5, Episode 17. Two strong stories: one with a too-neat-to-be-believed ending and the other with a superb twist. Of sorts. When a young boy is murdered in his own bed, Detective Cavaliere jumps to the conclusion that the boy's brother did it. Nick (George Eads at his best) tries to rein in the detective and get more evidence on the case, and it's way cool to see him getting angry and passionate about a case. There's a very cool moment where Warrick shows up and offers to help him in his free-time, and the whole thing builds to a nice twist with regard to the killer. Gil's case is standard serial killer fare.

Prison Break. Season 3, Episode 11. Prison Break is all about putting a group of Alpha Males together, forcing them to solve a common problem and watching to see how long it is before they turn on one another. This is a great episode for watching the cracks start to appear in the hastily-built team. Once again, Alex Mahone continues to wow me with regard to his apparent loyalty (?) to Michael. It can only end badly for Alex, but it's great to see this wonderful character start to redeem himself.

NCIS. Season 4, Episode 9 is the one where McGee's sister shows up at his appartment covered in blood and thinking she may have killed someone. There aren't enough ways to praise this episode! It's a a great story, a great mystery. You just never know whether she did it or not. The character work on McGee is fantastic. There's a superb scene between McGee and Gibbs in an elevator that does wonders for both characters and (one hopes) strengthens the bond between them.

Meanwhile, the superb subplot of Tony's romance continues to delight. "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you always got," he tells his girlfriend when she asks him why they aren't moving into the bedroom faster. It's a superb moment. Cool. Romantic. Character-defining.

House. Season 4, Episode 11. "Cutthroat Bitch" is back!! "Cutthroat Bitch" is back!! Wow. What an entrance. And what an episode! The most watched FOX scripted show in ten years? And well deserved. Mira Sorvino is sick at the South Pole and House has to diagnose/save her using a web-cam (and sleazy music). Why isn't Sorvino starring in her own show? A gritty cop show, or something? I'd so watch. Also: Kutner has overtaken everyone (except "Cutthroat Bitch" obviously) as my all-time second favourite House Duckling. His inappropriate responses and ability to stand up to House when it really matters are making him a bit of scene stealer. Who knew?

The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Episode 4. One of this show's (many) strengths is the character of John Connor. He must walk the line between pampered "boy" in need of his mother's protection, and "gutsy hero" who will lead the resistance. If he falls too far into either camp, then the whole premise of this (superb) series is cast in doubt. It could be a case of "How could a wimp like him ever lead the humans?" vs. "Why does he need his Mum to protect/save him?" The casting of Thomas Dekker has really saved the series. He brings everything needed to the role, to make the series work. Particularly in this John-centric episode, where he takes on a solo mission and comes face to face with a Terminator. Even though he needs back-up at the end, the writers are careful to show us that this kid is capable of excellence under pressure.

Highlight? The Shield.