Thu, Jul 24, 08 - Wings, In Plain Sight

06:00 Wings
06:30 In Plain Sight

Wings. Episode 3. "Return to Nantucket" A very enjoyable episode that goes to the heart of the characters, and to the concept of the whole series. Carol, the woman that Brian stole from his brother Joe, is passing through Boston on her way to a new life in London. Brian runs to Boston in an effort to win her back, Helen runs after Brian to pick up the pieces (which is what she does for the Hackett brothers) and Joe runs after both of them (and maybe Carol, but he won't admit it). Even more than in the pilot you get a sense of who these people are and what their shared history actually is. It's also a funny episode. The funniest part comes at the end when Carol (who hasn't shown up to meet Brian) sends a very grumpy cab driver to deliver some messages of love.

Before that, all the best laughs come from the character of Lowell.

In Plain Sight. Episode 6. "High Priced Spread" The story is awful (because it's been done a hundred times before) but the character work on Mary is good. She's helping two brothers (one of whom is a talented basketball-player with a gambling addiction) and it reminds her of her childhood with her father before he disappeared. In the end one brother is kidnapped by the bad guys so that the other brother will fix the outcome of the big game. Yawn. On Gemini Man, it was a boxer, wasn't it?

The sister and mother (both of whom I'm very fond of now) have almost no screen-time this week.

Highlight? Wings. Funny.
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