Mon, Nov 3, 08 - Law And Order, Raising The Bar, Z Rock

05.30 Law And Order
06.30 Raising The Bar
07.30 Z Rock

Law And Order. Season 18, Episode 12. "Submission" An unrecognisable Lara Flynn Boyle can't save this episode from mediocrity. She's good. But it's an average tale of people plotting a murder and framing their friend. Average fare for a quality show like this.

Raising The Bar. Episode 3. "I Will, I'm Will" I continue to be surprised by how much I like the character of Richard (the lawyer from the rich background). He's a decent guy. Not OTT decent like Jerry (who I like, but who is obviously crazy) just ordinary decent. He's trying to help a young black woman in this episode. She may or may not have gotten a bit agressive while getting her welfare check and being messed around. She's obviously a good person at heart. He likes her. He tries to make this work for her, but it doesn't quite work out. It's a solid story.

Jerry meanwhile bonds wa-a-a-a-ay too much with his client. Jerry falls in love with each and every one of his clients (male or female). Jerry's a silly TV lawyer, but... I like him.

It's not a bad show. It looks like it fell through a time-warp from 1988 but... it's not a bad show.

Z Rock. Episode 6 Another self-contained episode and the first real dud. It's all about the making of the guys' first video. And the director is a nut. And there's a lot of shouting at kids. And little else.

Highlight? Raising The Bar (it's not a bad show)
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