Tue, Nov 4, 08 - Prison Break, Legend Of The Seeker, Keen Eddie

07.00 Prison Break
08.00 Legend Of The Seeker
09.00 Keen Eddie

Prison Break. Season 4, Episode 9. "Greatness Achieved" A dark and satisfying episode of Prison Break. Alex kills the man who killed his son. He tortures him first, makes him phone Pam to apologise and then (casually) pushes the man to his death. Dark, dark stuff. But we love Alex and we wanted to see this happen.

We loved Brad Bellick, too, and we did not want him to die. But die he does and, unlike the "death" of Sara last season, this is not a betrayal of fans affection for (and investment in) the character. It was tad rushed, yes, and it probably came about because Bellick has no real place in this 'new' Prison Break but it was still a ending of redemption for a character who started out as one of the bad guys.

Prison Break has delivered some great, great bad guys. And it has does two things spectacularly well. It has redeemed some of them, and it has given others brutal on-screen deaths. Resolution's that satisfy the audience's need for blood.

Clever show.

Legend Of The Seeker. Episode 1. "Prophecy" Typical origin story with a great cast. Richard is an ordinary farmboy/woodcutter/whatever. Guess what? His parents are not really his parents and he comes from a far away land and he has this great destiny and there is a Bad Guy who wants to kill him and there is this witch and this wizard who...

You get the picture...

It's an origin tale.

And the cast are very good.

Keen Eddie. Episode 11. "Sticky Fingers" The Keen Eddie TV show may have had a short life but it left a legacy of some truly great stories. And this is one of them. The great Ron Moody guests as an aging pick-pocket who is trying to stop his son from falling into a life of crime, a life for which he is just not suited (cos he's stupid!). Moody is marvellous to watch. He conveys love/affection/disapproval/cunning with mere looks and glances. Often he conveys all of them with the same glance!

It's a really great story. As the son falls in with a dangerous gang, the pick-pocket reaches out to Eddie for help. This is another strength of this wonderful series. Eddie connects with people. They connect with him. And, in this episode, he does what he can to help the old man safeguard the future of his son. The ending (where the father takes the fall for the son) is both clever and heartbreaking. Typical Keen Eddie.

While all of this is going on, the subplot is hilarious: Eddie's police partner joins a sex addicts group and (chickening out at the last minute) pretends to be Eddie instead. With a fake American accent and everything! All developments in this storyline are wonderful and the episode ends on a high note as Eddie is cornered in a lift by one of the sex addicts (who he has never met before) and she proceeds to engage in her sex-in-a-lift fantasy.

Miss Moneypenny, meanwhile, has another hilarious cameo telling Eddie what she plans to do with him over the week-end and Fiona (who doesn't get much screen-time this week) spends the episode being nice to Eddie. Even flirting with him a little when he's feeling a big blue. A really wonderful scene. It's amazing how much the Eddie/Fiona relationship has grown. From open-animosity to barely-concealed affection.

Highlight? Prison Break (Alex and Brad)
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