Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers. Chapter 1. "The Planet of Peril" Arrival on Mongo.

Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers. Chapter 1. "The Planet of Peril" Arrival on Mongo.

I'd forgotten how much fun this is. It's been about four years since I saw it and I'd totally forgotten how much of a hoot it is. The thing positively zips along, introduces five major characters (something it does very well) and establishes exactly what is at stake. When the closing credits roll, you know exactly who everybody is and what they are fighting for. Damn, how many modern pilots could learn from this?

I'd forgotten how much gusto and humour Buster Crabbe puts into his lines. When Flash and Dale stumble across the (seemingly) crazy Dr. Zarkov, and he explains his theories/plans to them, the sure-why-not response from Flash is guaranteed to raise a chuckle. Plus, it helps the plot zip along.

And zip along it does, until Flash is face to face with Ming The Merciless and Crabbe has a chance to flex his action-hero muscles by throwing lots and lots of bad guys around all over the place. And, boy, did I ever feel like a kid again watching him do it.

Of the regulars, Dale Arden is the least well-served by the opening script. She doesn't do much except stand near Flash and - when he's gone from her - look worried. Princess Aura, at least, gets motivation and action and stuff to do. Sure, it's all a bit questionable (going against her father's wishes and trying to save the Earthman), but it makes her very interesting. And you can't say there's much wrong with that. Plus, Priscilla Lawson is hot.

Too bad, they fall to their deaths at the end. Surely, there's no way Flash can get out of that...

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