Friends. Season 3, Episode 9. "The One with the Football"

Friends. Season 3, Episode 9. "The One with the Football" Thanksgiving.

Friends episodes have one of two structures. Most have - at least - three plots and the narrative jumps from plot to plot to fill out the half-hour. Sometimes/Often it defies the laws to time to do this and events in one plot are moving at a much different pace than in others and - when you stop to think about it - it gives you a headache trying to work out when what happened.

Other episodes just put all six regulars together and allows us to watch what happens. This is one of those. It's Thanksgiving, and everyone is playing football. Chandler is depressed and the ongoing childish feud between Ross and Monica drives much of the comedy in the episode.

It's a middle-of-the-road episode. Some laughs. Nothing major.

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