Party Down. Season 2, Episode 8. "Joel Munt's Big Deal Party"

Party Down. Season 2, Episode 8. "Joel Munt's Big Deal Party" Paul Scheer

Two changes to the status quo, but - otherwise - it's business as usual at Party Down.

Henry is back with Casey and, for this episode at least, they are both very happy. Happy and playful. And cute. And I love it, but I fear for it's lasting success. Especially as there are two episodes left in the season and this is a not a show where anyone gets a happy ending.

Ron is back in charge. This is a very welcome change in the status quo. Actually, it's a return to the (original) status was Ron was also the boss back in Season One. And it's a good fit for him. He's a natural (bad) boss (tv character). This season two story arc has done wonders to expand and deepen the character, but - at heart - he works best as the one in charge.

Aside from all these changes, it's a typical episode. Lydia gets high (Megan Mullally) while Kyle & Roman work together to get revenge on an enemy of Roman's who is hosting the party. This storyline leads to many comic moments and great lines: "I never would have come to Hollywood if I'd know I would be lied to."

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