Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers. Chapter 2. "The Tunnel of Terror"

Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers. Chapter 2. "The Tunnel of Terror" Flash escapes Aura and meets Thun.

Once again, I'm impressed by the relentless pace of everything. A net springs out and save Flash and Aura, after which they make their escape. Aura tries to keep Flash locked in Zarkov's spaceship but when he sees an air attack upon Ming's palace Flash takes to the skies to save his friends.

Once again, Dale Arden has little or screentime (but Jean Rogers looks utterly beautiful when she is on screen). Scheming Aura is a much more interesting character and the interplay between Ming and Zarkov is also compelling.

This chapter contains two of my least favourite elements of the entire serial (or, indeed, of all three serials): Thun and the creature at the end. I'm not a fan of James Pierce's performance as Thun and the creature at the end is - for me - the most phony of all the dangers encountered by Flash on his travels. Fact is: the location filming in these scenes adds a real air of realism to the fantasy. It sells it. Then, in the closing seconds Flash is cornered by something very obviously fake and it always pulls me right out of the story.

Still, because of the aerial battle, this is an enjoyable chapter.

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