Friends. Season 3, Episode 12. "The One with All the Jealousy"

Friends. Season 3, Episode 12. "The One with All the Jealousy" Joey teaches dance.

Matt LeBlanc is fantastic in this episode. There's a scene early one (typical of the Joey scenes on the show) where he's saying something stupid and Chandler and Ross are reacting. LeBlanc is flawless at these scenes. It's really worth watching the scene a second/third time to admire him. Later on, there's a scene where Joey takes ages to read a poem, while a conversation goes on around him. Again, I had reason to marvel at what LeBlanc was doing. His timing, etc. Flawless.

However, the best Joey stuff in this episode concerns the fact that he has lied on his resume and has to fake being a Broadway level dancer. Amazing. Some of my all-time favourite moments on Friends come in this storyline.

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