Friends. Season 3, Episode 13. "The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends"

Friends. Season 3, Episode 13. "The One Where Monica and Richard Are Just Friends" Tom Selleck

You get to see the best and worst of Friends in this one episode.

The Phoebe plotline is silly sit-com nonsense, and has Seinfeld rip-off written all over it. Her new boyfriend keeps accidentally exposing himself and nobody in the gang can muster up the courage to tell him. Yawn.

The Joey plotline is silly, too, but somewhat inspired and uniquely driven by the character of Joey. The Phoebe plotline is generic, and could be any character on any sit-com, but there's something sweet and uniquely Joey about the story where he's scared of books and has to put them in the freezer when they get too scary. Also, there's a chance to see Joey and Rachel (I loved them as a couple) in several scenes together.

The Monica storyline is pure gold. It's funny, and it's sweet. But, more than that, it's a story that is very easy to connect to. I've done what Monica is doing here. Who hasn't? And when Friends was at it's best, it was telling tales that make you laugh and made you relate.

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