Fri, May 15, 09 - My Boys, In Plain Sight, Listener, Party Down, Office

06.30 My Boys
07.00 In Plain Sight
08.30 The Listener
09.30 Party Down
10.00 The Office

My Boys. Season 3, Episode 5. "Carpe Burritoem" Kenny and Andy in a band, PJ advising Brendan on everything, Mike and Bobby acting as dummies at Stephie's seminar on dumping guys.

Much better than last week, with strong stories for everyone and many very funny moments. While the Kenny/Andy stuff could be from any sit-com the show still manages to make it fresh and fun. The other stories were more unique to this show, playing up one of the strengths of the show: PJ is a girl among guys and knows more than they do about some stuff.

In Plain Sight. Season 2, Episode 4. "Rubble With A Cause" Mary's protected witness is trapped in a collapsed building.

IPS has a great way of telling cop stories that you can't see on any other show. This is one of those.

Mary's witness gets his face all of the TV news when he is trapped under some rubble. It's too unstable for anyone to approach him, but he's in plain view of any nearby sniper. Great story idea. With superb execution.

Rarely do I watch an episode of anything and wonder how the heck they filmed that. But this is one of those time. I mean, really how the heck did they film that?! That looked amazing. Mary climbing around on that huge pile of rubble while, many floors below her, we could see the passing traffic and stuff. That looked awesome.

Matthew Davis and David Zayas were great as witness and hitman respectively. Except, of course, that wasn't the full story. These guys were best friends and partners so their face to face meeting at the end took a surprising twist. Matthew Davis is long overdue to headline his own show. Preferably an action-adventure thing of some sort.

Finally, the Joshua Malina/Nichole Hiltz plotline advanced as I hoped it would. I'm back to liking Brandi.

The Listener, Lisa Marcos

The Listener. Episode 11. "Starting To See The Light" Toby thinks the man who just died was a hitman on his way to a kill...

Another strong case-of-the-week, with lots of cool touches involving Toby's powers and the regular characters. The show has nailed it. They know how to tell stories and use Toby's powers in an intelligent way. All uses of Toby's powers are cool, now. And they either advance the plot in some tangible way or they provide nice moments of insight into the characters in the stories. Class.

To throw Detective Mark's superior off the trail (of Toby's constant interference), Toby is forced to pretend that he and the sexy detective are dating. All scenes driven by this were hilarious. I laughed and laughed. Then rewound and laughed some more.

Party Down. Episode 3. "Pepper McMasters Singles Seminar" Marilu Henner hosts a night for senior singles and Ed Begley Jr. keeps hitting on Jane Lynch.

I'm now loving this show and it's ensemble. Adam Scott is a great lead. He endows Henry with weight and sadness that underscores every joke. Especially when he just stands there and watches the others in disbelieve. This is Jim from The Office, but carrying years of failure and sadness around with him.

The Office. Season 5, Episode 26. "Company Picnic" Michael meets Holly again.

Superb episode. Anyone who has ever been in love with an ex will root for Michael for the duration of this episode, and marvel at his attitude at the very end. Dignity and grace. From Michael Scott?! This guy might get the girl yet...

Amy Ryan and Steve Carell are amazing together. Not knowing her other work I have no idea if this is her normal style of comedy or she is just incredibly good at being a female Michael Scott. But whatever it is, it works. Carell makes us laugh when Michael is being seriously unfunny. That a rare talent. How rare to find two performers who can do the same thing. And make it work, without it ever being self-conscious or awkward.

The Michael/Holly comedy sketch was inspired. I never laughed so much at something so 'unfunny'.

Dwight pretty much stole the episode for me, however. From the moment he utters that awful Horse Doctor joke pre-credits I was under his spell. Every utterance had me in stitches. This was Dwight as his devilish best.

Highlight? The Office (Michael and Holly. And Dwight.)
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