Fri, May 22, 09 - My Boys, In Plain Sight, Listener, Party Down

07.30 My Boys
08.00 In Plain Sight
09.00 The Listener
10.00 Party Down

My Boys. Season 3, Episode 6. "Madder of Degrees" Spring weather makes everyone do something crazy.

I'm not sure if this is a total oddball episode, or a very clever way of dealing with PJ and Bobby's attempt to move in together.

The idea that the change of seasons would make everyone go complete crazy is a tad silly for this show, but the results are funny...

And it does lead easily into a wonderful tale about PJ and Bobby's relationship.

Oddball or clever?

In Plain Sight. Season 2, Episode 5. "Aguna Matatala" Man in the Witness Protection Program gets a message from his wife... she wants a divorce.

When I sit down to watch this show I know I will always get a good story. And this is no exception. They have their own stories on this show, stories that won't work on any other cop show.

Even better: you don't know how they will resolve. The guy at the start of this episode is coming to terms with the fact that his wife hates him (for being a criminal) and wants a divorce. On this show, from an opening like that, the story could go in any direction and you are not assured a happy ending. In fact, more than likely, it'll be a bittersweet ending where the man stays alone and Mary is able to find some silver lining somewhere to give him cause to go on.

For the ability to deliver fresh (and good) stories every week, if for nothing else, this is a good show.

The Listener. Episode 12. "The 13th Juror" Toby is a witness in a court case, but he's picking up thoughts for everyone in the room. And another version of the crime arises...

Another great episode. Why?

It's a novel way of telling the story. There are multiple new ways to use Toby's power shown in the episode (a woman appears behind him, at one point). The actual identity of the killer is impossible to guess. All four regular characters are getting quality screentime. There's a great subplot with the great Gordon Pinsent playing a guy who knows about Toby's past.

The final scene/shot is great, too.

Party Down. Episode 4. "Investor's Dinner" The guy asking for everyone to invest is a crook and it's all a scam.

More Veronica Mars guest stars and many laugh-out-loud moments. Mostly involving Jane Lynch. This was her best episode. She had me laughing out loud everytime she appeared on screen. But, across the board, it's a funny cast. And the characters are great, too. Lots of cool insights come across in every episode. This time out, we learn that Kyle likes Constance and isn't impressed when a new friend of his makes fun of her. Wonderful sweet moment of friendship, well-written and wonderfully underplayed.

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