06.30 My Boys
12.30 The Listener
01.30 Party Down
My Boys. Season 3, Episode 7. "Facebook the Past" PJ meets an ex, and encourages Bobby to keep in touch with his ex's. Kenny's obsession with Facebook spreads to the gang.
The strongest episode this season and possibly the best episode of the show so far. It's really, really funny and it captures the feeling one gets from being with a group of friends, while - and this is why I love it - reflecting the changes that affect us all in this age of online social network sites (like Facebook).
Lots of what happened had me chuckling and nodding in agreement.
But more important than that: lots of what happened had me laughing hysterically.
The Listener. Episode 13. "The Journey" Toby finally has a lead on his mother's location.
The first episode without a case-of-the-week. The first half of the episode is slow going and boring (maybe because the stuff that should have happened there was moved forward as a b-plot in the previous episode?) but when it picks up steam, it gets really good before fizzling out in an ending that is probably meant to be intriguing, but is - in fact - very annoying and vague.
The Listener is an usual series. All episodes were case-of-the-week driven, but the first seven episodes were flawed and uneven. From episode eight onwards, while still being case-of-the-week driven, the show became superb and flawless. The show figured out how to make Toby's powers cool and interesting, and the show also figured out how to use the powers to enhance the story in unusual ways
There's a great example of that in the middle of this episode. There's a stalemate outside a motel. The guy we've been thinking is a bad guy suddenly appears to be a good guy and we suddenly realise we at home have been making assumptions about him that may not be the case. Even Toby's powers don't immediately help him decide what to do, and the show knows exactly how do put this across in a way that makes the story even more enjoyable. Good writing and good acting and the added bonus of an intelligent way of using Toby's powers.
Yes, they have learned how to do this. So, since this is the first non case-of-the-week episode I will forgive them for messing it up and I will assume that next time (if there is a next time) they will figure out how to pace it better. The start of this one was just too much Toby asking the old man all the same questions over and over and over again.
This is also the episode that finally lets Olivia in on the secret of Toby's powers. This show has a great regular cast, and great actors in the parts. I loved all the scenes between Toby and Olivia and I can't wait to see how the show writes their relationship now that she knows.
Lisa Marcos was underused. She hardly appeared.
The episode looked fantastic, with all the snow and the ending looks amazing. Even if I was very, very frustrated by the lack of... anything much happening in that final minute.
I desperately want a second season. But not for the backstory, they haven't made me care enough about the backstory and there are more than enough shows out there about lone heroes up against mysterious conspiracies. No, I want a second season because this show has turned into something that delivers A+ stories every single week and the hero, his powers and the cast are very cool.
And Lisa Marcos is the most beautiful woman on television right now.
Party Down. Episode 5. "Sin Shay Sun Awards After Party" The gang cater a Porn Awards function and Ron gets a chance to be in movies. Porn movies.
Just when I come to the conclusion that Jane Lynch is the absolute highlight of this wonderful show, they write her out?! Well, not really. But this wonderful funny lady is relegated to one line in the whole episode.
And it was a brilliant episode, too.
I don't know where to begin.
Martin Starr had the single best scene in the episode. Funniest and cleverest. Pure character comedy. At it's best. I mean genius level stuff. Roman is about to score with a depressed pornstar (Beth Dover). It's a sure thing. She's drunk and unhappy and they've made a strong connection. He's finally listened to Kyle and - it appears - learned that they only way to win a woman over (even a very sexy pornstar) is to listen to her, and have a conversation. They are talking sci-fi and it's going well. Until she makes a mistake... And mentions dragons.
Starr has this magical moment where Roman stops and considers what he is about to do. It's all there. On his face. The indecision, the resolve, the contemplation, the pros and the cons. Everything is there. In one split second. He nails it. It's funny, true-to-life and horrible all at the same time. That moment of temptation, that moment where you must choose whether or not to be true to yourself and your beliefs.
Roman chooses the high ground. Sorta. He rubbishes her mistaken belief that dragons are scifi and she's runs off. Offended.
Roman is the source of much great comedy in the episode. Kyle and he are contrasted in many scenes. I'm really starting to like Kyle. And Ryan Hansen is simply superb in the part. I loved him on Veronica Mars, but I had no idea he was this good of an actor.
Ron also has a great storyline. Being scouted into porn, almost getting a blowjob from Stormy Daniels and having himself badly injured in the process. Hilarious wonderful stuff.
This show has become a highlight of the week, every week.
Highlight? The Listener (Toby tells Olivia)
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Fri, May 29, 09 - My Boys, The Listener, Party Down
Review of: My Boys, Party Down, The Listener

14 March 2025 • 9314 days since leaving earth orbit.