06.00 House
07.00 30 Rock
07.30 Reaper
House. Season 5, Episode 21. "Saviors" Cameron comes back to single-handedly run a case for House. Why?
It's got a good case-of-the-week and a genuinely compelling mystery, with regard to why Cameron is back. Having her back is great. Not because I'm a huge fan of the character, although I do like her a lot, but because House is the kind of show that needs to change the status quo to keep it interesting and fresh.
The resolution was satisfying.
It makes sense.
Unless you think about it too much.
Cameron's actions are a bit silly and TV cliché female behaviour. And there's a mystery surrounding her actions simply because she chooses not to confide in anyone. So, while I liked it, I have to say that after years and years of watching House, there is a part of me that wonders why she didn't just tell someone...
Also, this episode marks the surprise return of Anne Dudek. That made me very happy. Anne Dudek rocks. Killing her character off was a huge mistake for the show. Nice to see them bending over backwards to bring her back...
30 Rock. Season 3, Episode 18. "Jackie Jormp-Jomp" Liz adapts to life away from TGS (she was suspended in the previous episode) while Jack urges Jenna to fake her death to gain publicity for her new movie about Janis Jopl- I mean, Jackie Jormp-Jomp.
Lots of goofy gags pinned onto a fairly standard sit-com plot: hero takes a break from regular situation/job and everything falls apart in their absense causing everyone to learn a lesson.
The 30 Rock version of this is wonderful because they make it all their own. For a start, Liz absolutely loves her job and the script has to send her 180 degrees in the other direction in order to make the middle part of the story work. Not many shows could pull this off. 30 Rock does. By the halfway mark, we are ready to believe that Liz doesn't want to go back to TGS. That's remarkable. If they failed to pull that off, the episode would have failed.
Jenna and Tracy continue to be a wonderful team: working together to cause chaos and destruction in Liz's absense. The final scene with all three of them was a hoot.
Reaper. Season 2, Episode 10. "My Brother's Reaper" Morgan moves in, and makes moves on Nina. The Devil gives Sam a job outside his job description, and Tony appears.
Two ongoing storylines reach completion in this episode. Morgan is killed. But is sure to reappear. And Ted gets Andi fired. I wasn't expecting either one. One had me shocked and the other had me in stitches.
This show is hilarious. Tyler Labine might well be the funniest guy on TV and the writers come up with fantastic material for him, week after week. The stripper clowns... OMG. Genius idea. Perfect Sock.
Ken Marino returns. Always good. But the show finds a wonderful way to bring the equally awesome Michael Ian Black back for a few scenes. How? Well, he communicates through Karaoke machine. Of course. Watching Michael Ian Black sing it up was a hoot. I kept hoping for more scenes of him singing. They really, really should make this a recurring feature on the show.
Then there was Michael Weaver. Seriously, this show is awesome. So, so funny. With great stories, too.
Reaper has been cancelled, but it's chances of it returning in syndication look very good.
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Highlight? House (Anne Dudek!)
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Mon, May 25, 09 - House, 30 Rock, Reaper

17 March 2025 • 9317 days since leaving earth orbit.