Wed, May 27, 09 - House, 30 Rock, Reaper

07.30 House
08.30 30 Rock
09.00 Reaper

House. Season 5, Episode 23. "Under My Skin" A ballerina is sick, House is still seeing 'Amber'.

This story arc is great. Knowing that 'Amber' is really House's own thoughts makes for fascinating viewing and Anne Dudek is superb in the part. And crazy hot. (I have a thing for evil women. In real life. No, really. I do.)


The case-of-the-week is boring and pushed to b-plot status this week, as House tells Wilson, and later Cuddy, about his hallucinations. Watching him self-diagnose is fascinating. And the things 'Amber' said to him while he was crawling along the floor towards the pill were fascinating also. Why? Because we know that a part of him is thinking this stuff.

It's a great storyline and I have no idea where/how they will resolve it.

Away from House's personal problems and the case-of-the-week, Chase got some quality screentime and a strong story. Only a few scenes. But, still, a strong story.

30 Rock. Season 3, Episode 20. "The Natural Order" Tracy acts responsible and professional, while Liz (to counteract this) becomes more 'one of the guys'. Jack confronts his mother's boyfriend with a speech he wrote to say to his father.

A weak, strained and mostly-unfunny episode of 30 Rock. It's way cool to see Tracy Morgan playing Tracy as dull, hard-working professional but the attempt to make it into a war of equality with Liz falls flat. It's about as funny as any half-developed idea.

Jack's sub-plot was funnier, with the episodes one true laugh out loud moment being the moment were Jack gave his short speech.

But when the total number of laugh out loud moments in an episode of 30 Rock is 1, you know you are watching a weak episode.

Reaper. Season 2, Episode 12. "Business Casualty" Sam goes corporate, and sends Nina to rescue his Dad from Hell. Meanwhile Sock has a chance to build the 'perfect' woman.

Another winner. There's no case-of-the-week at all. Rare for Reaper, but not unheard of. Instead, The Devil sends Sam into the world of Big Business and the show puts the sort of crazy twist on things that this show manages so well. Sam's disgruntled rival (Matt Champagne) is responsible for many big laughs. I especially loved the moment where (in the background) we see him take out his anger on a nearby bin.)

Sock, meanwhile, has a shot at dating a demon (Catherine Reitman) and asks her to morph her appearance into his 'ideal woman'. She agrees and he proceeds to amass data and images for her to work with/off.

The scene with Serinda Swan is particularly hilarious. Sock produces a measuring tape and starts taking notes on her face after he meets her in a bar. One of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Likewise, the exchange between Ben and Nina as she prepared to leave for Hell. Simply hilarious.

Reaper is pretty darn close to being the funniest show on TV.

Reaper has been cancelled, but it's chances of it returning in syndication look very good.

Click here to find out more. Or here. Help if you can. Please!

Highlight? House (Anne Dudek)
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