Sun, May 31, 09 - Dexter, Friday Night Lights, 30 Rock, Rules Of Engagement, Worst Week

07.30 Dexter
08.30 Friday Night Lights
01.00 30 Rock
01.30 Rules Of Engagement
03.00 Worst Week

Dexter. Season 3, Episode 11. "I Had a Dream" Dexter decides he's gonna have to kill Miguel. And he chooses a new Best Man.

This surprised me. Sure, I know Dexter was likely to kill Miguel, but I figured it would be left to, you know, the last episode of the season. Nope. The show had something else up it's sleeve. Good storytelling choice.

Friday Night Lights. Season 3, Episode 11. "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" JD and his dad have a violent clash over his new girlfriend. Landry helps Tyra (again). Matt's grandmother has an accident.

The show brought me to tears again. This time it was in the Tyra storyline and it was because of what her mother said to her. Wow. Of all the characters on the show, I would have expected her to be the least likely to come out with something deep, insightful and inspiring. But she did. And it was a lovely moment.

I also enjoyed the handling of the accident that Matt's grandmother had. It was very low key. Like a real life incident. Yet it was destructive, and called lots of issues into sharp focus. Like a real-life accident might do. I'm glad the writers have opted to keep Matt's mother in the picture. And they are not teasing us with the promise that she might leave. In fact, she's being nothing but supportive and helpful. The writers are letting the drama/conflict come from other things (mostly the grandmother, what a great character) and she story/show is all the better for it.

30 Rock. Season 3, Episode 22. "Kidney Now!" Liz becomes a relationship expert. Liz?! And Jack organises a benefit concert to help his (new) dad get a kidney.

A great season finale. After three season's of romantic disasters, Liz inadvertently becomes a relationship guru. All thanks to a catchphrase she write for Jenna/TGS. It's an example of the weird, zany logic that runs rampant on this cool show and it's a great place to bring Liz to, to end the season.

Chris Parnell returns. And pretty much steals the show.


The finale (the actual Kidney Now! song) is the real highlight of the episode. Many real stars appear, playing themselves and sing their hearts out in an odd (but very, very catchy) little ditty designed to get Mr. Green a brand new kidney.

Rules Of Engagement. Season 3, Episode 13. "AARP" The girls host a sex toy party and Jeff and Adam get paranoid. Russell pretends to be married.

Pretty good. Not the best episode of the season, but still provokes a lot of laughter. The engine driving this is the idea that Jeff loves his wife and wants to satisfy her in bed. He's goes overboard (hence the comedy) but his heart is sure in the right place. None of the season three episodes had Jeff behaving like a neanderthal. And the show is much better for it.

Oliver Hudson has become adept at being the 'dumb one' in the group and he excels at reaction shots.

Russell's plotline was a a bit of yawner, but not so much that it ruined the episode.

Worst Week. Episode 6. "The Ring" The baby swallows the ring, Mel hates her dress and Dick's mother arrives.

Lots to like here. The episode opens with great chemistry between Kyle Bornheimer and Erinn Hayes and the episode that follows - once again - highlights Sam and Mel as a united team in the face of all that the world throws at them.

Nancy Lenehan gets several funny scenes, reacting to the presence of Olympia Dukakis as Dick's mean mother. Lenehan's a hoot.

Sam manages to do a lot of things right in this episode. He bonds with Dick over the fighting women, he sticks up for Angela, he destroys the wedding dress (making Mel insanely happy) and he is able to get the family to mend broken fences. It's all very enjoyable, but is the show's premise slipping away at this stage?

Highlight? Friday Night Lights (Tyra's mom)
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