Fri, Jun 26, 09 - Arrested Development, In Plain Sight, Burn Notice

07.00 Arrested Development
08.00 In Plain Sight
11.30 Burn Notice

Arrested Development. Episode 10. "Pier Pressure" Michael sets up an elaborate sting operation to keep his son off drugs.

Of course he does.

Wow. This is as good as it gets, baby. An prime example of Arrested Development firing on all cylinders. If you don't cry tears of laugher watching this one then there is no hope for you.

Strucure-wise, the story involves all the regulars in an organic way. No muscles are strained or pulled to get this story to work. Even better, it adds to, and advances, all ongoing storylines.

A perfect episode.

In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight. Season 2, Episode 9. "Who's Bugging Mary" Brandi is arrested.

No case-of-the-week. Instead, the show's simmering subplots take centre-stage. Mary is a fascinating central character. Flawed, but very human and likable. Her family are awful. Yet, they are believable and - just like Mary - very, very human. As dreadful families go, they might be the best on TV right now.

There's much to love here, but I'm particular impressed by Mary's hate/hate relationship with Eleanor.

And it's becoming more and more obvious that Marshall is in love with his partner. Poor schmuck. I don't blame him, however...

Burn Notice. Season 3, Episode 4. "Fearless Leader" Michael goes after a bad guy, as a means towards getting the police off his back.

Another break with formula? Two weeks in a row? Wow. When Paxson was introduced I assumed the show would eventually bring her over to Michael's side and make her like him. I figured she's chase him for - say - six episodes, then get herself into some kind of trouble and have to turn to him for help. Wrong! Michael - because he's much smarter than me - immediately decides to do something proactive and get the good detective off him back. He finds out who else she wants behind bars and sets about making that happen.

There's also a wonderful twist where one of the bad guys does something unexpected and Michael does something unexpected in return.

It's a clever, fun story and an example of Burn Notice at it's best.

Highlight? Burn Notice (clever)
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