The Rockford Files, Arrested Development

Monday, July 6th, 2009

04.00 The Rockford Files
02.30 Arrested Development

The Rockford Files

The Rockford Files. Episode 2. "The Kirkoff Case" James Woods hires Jim to prove that he didn't murder his parents, but everybody tells Jim that he did do it...

If you can make your audience wonder 'what is going on?', right from the very start, you probably have them hooked. And that's how Rockford starts off the regular series. We join the story with Jim already trailing somebody (Roger Davis) and obviously busy on a case. His quarry has eluded him and sprung a trap on him (which involves Jim being drugged and losing his pants!) before the narrative pauses to tell us the nature of the case and what exactly Jim is up to.

Once we are brought up the speed, the episode is a cracker! Money is still mentioned, but it's less of an issue than it was in the pilot, and Rockford is still more than willing to back off a case when roughed up by some thugs. Jim doesn't put up a fight, he just offers up some witty remarks and takes his beating like a man.

Noah Beery Jr. joins the cast as a much nicer version of Jim's dad, there's a top notch car chase (across a golf course!) and the story manages a very neat twist in the closing seconds.

Arrested Development. Episode 14. "Shock and Aww" Heather Graham guests as an Ethics Teacher that both Michael and George Michael have romantic designs on, Jane Lynch guests as a woman who inspires romantic designs from George Sr., and Lucille adopts Annyong.

Another love-interest for Michael, but - this time out - there is real chemistry on hand and the woman in question (an Ethics Teacher named Beth Baerly) is adorable and quirky.

Scenes are short and jokes come fast and furious. There is a lot continuity with past episodes/plots and - remarkably - a lot of foreshadowing of events that will come to pass later on. There's a real 'zip' to the show now. It delivers it's comedy with savage ferocity. Gob is hilarious in this episode. His behaviour is reprehensible, of course, but wonderful. He is motivated by events from previous episodes and - I suppose - this is where Arrested Development started to alienate the casual viewer. Someone who had missed out on part/all of the Marta arc might not 'get' the stuff with Gob.

Highlight? The Rockford Files (neat twist)
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