Mon, Jun 29, 09 - Arrested Development, The Rockford Files

05.30 Arrested Development
09.00 The Rockford Files

Arrested Development. Episode 11. "Public Relations" Michael hires a Public Relations expert to improve the image of the Bluth family. Meanwhile Tobias meets Carl Weathers.

It's rare that I can point at something in Arrested Development and say I don't like it, but here's one example. In a show with much organic continuity the character of Jessie sticks out like a sore thumb. She pops up, out of the blue, impacts strongly on each regular character and - even worse - becomes a love interest for Michael (who already has a better/sweeter/nicer love interest possibility in Marta). Jill Ritchie fails to make much of an impression in the part.

Carl Weathers, however, makes a fantastic impression on his first appearence. The idea of introducing Weathers as himself is truly inspired. But making him a miser is... beyond inspired. That is simply genius. And Weathers plays it to the hilt. One of the truly great joys of Arrested Development.

The Rockford Files

The Rockford Files. Episode 1. "Backlash of the Hunter" Rockford investigates the murder of a wino.

The first episode of The Rockford Files is as good as any episode of The Rockford Files. Only the presence of Robert Donley as Rocky, and Jim's constant obsession with money, might tip the casual viewer off to the fact that this is the first story to feature the famous private eye.

James Garner, Lindsay Wagner, Stuart Margolin, Nita Talbot and William Smith are five of my favourite perfomers so it's a blast to see all of them together. Margolin, in particular, does a fantastic job of almost stealing the pilot out from under Garner. But he doesn't quite manage it. This is Garner's show all the way. He makes Jim Rockford likable. Because, as written here, the character could easily come across as too self-interested to be heroic. He gives his client a lot of grief over money-matters and that's not how TV private eyes behave. That's not how heroes behave. It's a risk. But, instead of disliking the guy, thanks to Garner's considerable star-power we wind up laughing every time Jim pulls out a piece of paper and explains to Sara how this latest activity will impact on her bill.

The story is straight-forward. Rockford really has nothing to go on, but - in classic TV tradition - the bad guys get nervous when he starts to poke around and their response to him is what tips Rockford off to the fact that there is a crime to be investigated and allows the story to move forward.

The climax is nice. Bigger than your typical Rockford Files, with a plane/car gun battle in the desert.

The actual ending, where Jim ends up in Jail for carrying a gun without a permit, is nothing short of superb.

35 years after it's debut, this pilot still shines of quality storytelling.

Best bit? Jim lures a thug into the Men's Room, spreads hand-lotion on the floor and causes the guy to end up flat on his back, where Jim punches his lights out and ties his feet together with his own belt before making an escape. Hilarious.

Highlight? The Rockford Files (quality)
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