Flashpoint, The Closer, The Incredible Hulk

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

06.00 Flashpoint
07.00 The Closer
11.30 The Incredible Hulk

Flashpoint. Episode 19. "Remote Control" Bank robbery; wife taken hostage.

Another Flashpoint episode, another tear in the corner of my eye as the closing credits come up.

How do they do it?

Great case-of-the-week, great climax and great character work on the regulars.

The Closer. Season 5, Episode 5. "Half Load" Good guy shot in a bad neighbourhood.

The ending is a tad over the top (saved somewhat by Flynn's sour demeanor) but this is yet anther strong episode. And a good episode for Sanchez who does some mighty clever detective work to kickstart the investigation. I like the way the show uses it's large cast and (in this episode) brings back some recurring/previous characters and makes good use of them, too.

The Incredible Hulk. Episode 10. "Life and Death" by James Parriott of Defying Gravity.

First episode to flex the show's Drama muscle, and David meets a woman who is about to give her baby away to a shady organisation.

Not just a good action-adventure show, the Hulk could rival Quincy or Lou Grant when it opted to take on 'serious' subjects - such as here.

Parriott's script and a great cast (Bixby, Ferrigno, Andrew Robinson, Parriott regular Diane Civita, Carl Franklin) make for a superb hour.

There are many highlights. Seeing a drugged Hulk stumbling around the hospital is a series highlight, but nothing detracts from a genuinely good story populated by very real people, both 'good' and 'bad'.

Highlight? The Incredible Hulk (superb)
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