The Greatest American Hero. Season 2, Episode 2. "Operation Spoilsport"
First season GAH episodes were low-key. Bill called Ralph in on relatively simple cases, and we laughed as these little tasks wreaked havok on his personal/work life.
Season season episodes seems to be raising the stakes. This one, for instance, has Ralph saving the world. Literally. He has to save the entire world from Nuclear War. You don't get higher stakes than that. Luckily, however, the show hasn't changed tone. Most of the episode is still devoted to Ralph and Bill sitting in a car bickering about what to do. And, even with (much-missed) Connie Sellecca absent from the show, it's still a hoot to watch them cluelessly trying to figure out what to do. Funny. And also: more real. Completely unlike any other superhero show up to that point.
As wonderful as the regulars are, Robin Riker completely steals the episode is a hilarious scene in the middle when a frazzled Ralph breaks into her house (in full regalia) on the trail of a kidnapped computer expert. The dialogue sparkles and William Katt has seldom been better.
This is also the episode with "Eve Of Destruction" on the soundtrack. And it's terrific. They keep using it, and they use it really well.
The ending has the bad guys confessing way too easily, but this is still a top notch hour of TV.
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The Greatest American Hero. Season 2, Episode 2. "Operation Spoilsport"
Review of: The Greatest American Hero