The Six Million Dollar Man. Season 2, Episode 1. "Nuclear Alert"
The second season premiere is more of a 'typical' SMDM episode than almost any episode of the first season.
Most s1 tales were quite 'meaty' and 'serious'. Whereas a 'typical' SMDM episode (whether good or bad) is usually quite High Concept and driven more by action than drama.
"Nuclear Alert" tells us what happens when Steve poses as a truck driver to stop the theft of a bomb. That's it. There's nothing else. That description does the episode justice. Whereas with most scripts from the previous year, there was usually something else at stake (Steve's relationships with Oscar, Rudy, his Russian friend, his father and William Shatner's character spring to mind for five episodes). A 'typical' Steve Austin adventure is usually quite linear in form, and this one is a perfect example of that.
And a good episodes it is, too. It moves fast, has a good story and some thrilling action to end out the hour.
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The Six Million Dollar Man. Season 2, Episode 1. "Nuclear Alert"
Review of: The Six Million Dollar Man