The Sentinel. Season 3, Episode 22. "Night Shift" An angel, an alligator.
Wow. This is an unusual episode of The Sentinel. 'Atypical' doesn't begin to describe it: An angel, an alligator, a hit-man and a police station filled with homeless people! Quirky camera angles, visual effects. This one has it all. Yes, most shows try 'off the wall' episodes, but seldom has a show managed to pull it off in such an unselfconscious manner. Fact is: everything here - curious mix that it is - totally works.
First: the crime story works. It's a typically convoluted tale of a car thief who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the things that happen when some bad guys try to kill him while he is down at the local police station. Like all the best Sentinel episodes, it's great to see the various players in the story make their moves. Different motivations, at different times, make for an entertaining yarn. Something you can always rely on the show to deliver.
Second: the relationship drama works. Jim and Blair have a fight in this one. A real fight. They mean it. It's over the dissertation Blair has been writing since the pilot. And it over the things that are written in it. About Jim. And, be they right or wrong... they hurt. So, this is a real fight. They mean it. And it's not pretty. Thankfully/Wisely, the harsh words are kept to a few short scenes. But it's still difficult to watch. Even if it makes for great drama.
Lastly: the quirky stuff works. All of it. For example: I totally bought the 'angel' storyline and loved his message to Jim and his ultimate demise. The comments the tag scene were a bit OTT for me, but it didn't ruin the rest of the Gabriel storyline.
Most Sentinel episodes are typical cop show episodes, with the occasion sprinkling of super powers. Rarely has the show so departed from formula. Seeing how successful this effort was, I would wish they had done so more often.
The Sentinel. Season 3, Episode 22. "Night Shift"
Review of: The Sentinel