Wonder Woman. Episode 10. "Formula 407" Argentina.
My favourite production block from the Wonder Woman tv series is the final 24 episodes, where the show had found it's groove, so to speak, as a serious fantasy spy/action show. The first 14 episodes have always been my least favourite block. Here: the show was set in World War II and had a camp air about it - everyone seemed to be overplaying it, in a tongue-in-cheek manner, which I don't enjoy.
Episode 10 is a bit of a treat, then, because it doesn't have any camp elements and - instead - has lot of genuine humour, a solid story with good characters and visible teamwork between the leads.
On mission to Argentina Diana Prince must deal with the unwanted advances of a South American Lothario. And very funny it is, too. It's the first time Lynda Carter was given something to do that is actually capable of making the viewer laugh out loud and she handles it perfectly. Every time.
The story concerns our heroes going up against a Nazi team for possession of a secret formula. The script spends a lot if time explaining the set-up to the adventure in a manner that makes perfect sense and is a refreshing change from earlier episodes in the run.
One of the things I love about those final episodes of the series are the large number of scenes devoted to guest characters. Scenes with advance the story somewhat, and give depth and character arcs to the participants in the tale. It's largely missing from the first year of the show. Except here. Formula 407 actually crafts it's characters and gives them their own little stories. It adds enormously to the viewing pleasure. For example, when a secondary character is betrayed by the Nazi leader the script devotes time to her feelings on the matter. And allows other characters to comment on it. Wonder Woman really shines here, showing honest-to-goodness compassion.
Best of all is the teamwork between Wonder Woman and Steve. They spend the back-half of the episode working together and you really believe in theme as a team. Waggoner and Carter have an easy-going chemistry and he raises several laughs from his interaction with the super-heroine. It's also nice to see Steve Trevor dispatching a baddie totally unaided, in the beach scene where WW juggles bombs then casually stands by while Major Trevor wrestles with the Nazi ringleader for possession of a gun. In this they seem like a team.
Given the fact that it's from a phase of the show that I don't much care for, I must admit that I really loved this episode.
Wonder Woman. Episode 10. "Formula 407"
Review of: Wonder Woman