Natalie Zea . Mixture of intriguing mythology stuff, implausible/nonsensical revelations and a boring story-of-the-week (about a character called Ted Utley that we’ve never met before, and therefore don’t care about).
First off, the storyline with the three kids and the mini-dome is fascinating. Partly because of the way they seem to be in opposition to Julia and Dodee. That’s good. Lots of story potential there…
However… the revelation that Maxine has been there the whole time is hard to swallow. Partly because we never saw her, and partly because she’s the exact character needed to tie Jim and Barbie together?! Too convenient. I was also bugged by the fact that most of her dialogue was clunky exposition. Very clunky exposition.
Finally, what the hell was Junior talking about? Surely that can’t be the reason he locked Angie up? I thought they were going to explain everything. But the painting reveal was a load of bunk. BUNK! Sigh.
Very weak episode saved by the mini-dome stuff. 7/10