Once Upon A Time In Wonderland 1.6

Shaun Smyth. Disjointed. Several storylines, with lots happening in all of them. Some of it was very good, but it didn’t hang together very well and - at times - it felt like we were switching between different shows on different channels. The ‘Alice In Peril’ story was very creepy, but ended weakly. The ‘Alice In Flashback' bits were great, and heartfelt, but could have fleshed out to a full episode on their own and felt much more satisfying.

The Red Queen scenes and Jafar scenes were perfunctory and could have been shunted back to a different week. Giving the writer a chance to strengthen the thematic connection between the Alice storylines: her been asked to forget her past in one, and actually forgetting her past in the other. Something that should have had more power. But didn’t. 8/10