Scooby Doo 1.5 Departs from formula by having no ‘ghost’ for...

Scooby Doo 1.5

  • Departs from formula by having no ‘ghost’ for ages. And when the ‘ghost’ shows up, it doesn’t really fit into the story in progress.
  • It’s a story about kidnapped dogs. Scooby is used as a decoy and when he’s taken, the gang go after him.
  • About a third of the way in, the ghost of an Indian suddenly shows up! But the script never explains exactly why the dognappers are doing this. Or why they are using an ancient Indian village as their hideout.
  • Definitely the weakest episode so far. Starting off in daylight, and the lack of supernatural hook at the start, makes for a story unlike any other in the series.
