06.00 The Big Bang Theory
06.30 Doctor Who
07.30 Legend Of The Seeker
08.30 Supernatural
The Big Bang Theory. Season 2, Episode 16. "The Cushion Saturation" Howard dates Leslie, Penny destroys Sheldon's cushion.
In the first plot thread the show pairs up two characters (a regular and a recurring guest star) who have never been paired before. I don't think they have even shared a scene before. Their match-up is very funny. A great example of a show not straining to create comedy/conflict. Just using the tools that they have to hand.
In the second plot thread the comedy is driven by the extreme behaviour of one of the regulars. The show has well established at this stage that Sheldon is... a nutjob. So, they play on that and deliver another very funny episode.
Doctor Who. Season 28, Episode 9. "The Satan Pit" The Doctor is trapped ten miles down, while Rose and the Team battle the Ood.
Nice split episode. On one hand you have Rose and the various guest stars running around like crazy trying to avoid the clutches of the aliens that are after them (great scenes in the cramped tunnels, for example) while on the other hand the Doctor slowly descends into a black void and contemplates... stuff.
The creature in the pit is magnificent. Truly the stuff of nightmares.
The Doctor's endless babbling about how marvellous humans are can be a bit tiresome, but it's still a top notch episode.
Legend Of The Seeker. Episode 3. "Bounty" Richard sets out to rescue a damsel's brother, while a mapmaker sells three maps that chart our hero's every move.
Lots of nifty-looking sword-fights and a story with a (predictable) twist. Richard, Kahlan and Zedd are three very likable characters and their interplay is very enjoyable. Casting Kahlan as Richard's protector gives the show lots of easy conflict and the cast excel at making it better than the material would suggest.
Ted Raimi is underused as the mapmaker, but it's always great to see him.
Supernatural. Season 4, Episode 8. "Wishful Thinking" A town where wishes come true.
SN excels at funny episodes and uses them extremely well to give us all a breather between the grim stuff of the regular episodes.
But this is a first, I think. An episode that starts out being hilarious and silly and gradually gets more and more serious and heartfelt until, by the end, it is one of the most serious stories they have ever done.
Ted Raimi has a lot to do with that. His performance, as the guy who inadvertently started it all, is wonderful and sad and touching. His realisation that his lot in life is to be lonely is pretty haunting. Likewise, there are some great scenes between the brothers towards the end of the episode. Moments that tie directly into the current (grim) backstory. Amazing really for an episode that started off by making me laugh til I hurt.
The depressed Teddy Bear might well be the funniest thing I have ever seen anywhere.
Highlight? Supernatural (silly/sad)
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Sun, Jun 7, 09 - Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who, Legend Of The Seeker, Supernatural
Review of: Doctor Who, Legend Of The Seeker, Supernatural, The Big Bang Theory

12 March 2025 • 9312 days since leaving earth orbit.